Constantly challenge yourself to take opportunities when they present themselves.

11 February 2022

‘’Constantly challenge yourself to take opportunities when they present themselves’’ Said Ei Lin Ooi, in the second of Nutreco's #womeninscience podcast series.

Inspirational stories from female scientists at Nutreco are shared to support International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February 2022. This is all part of Nutreco's commitment to building diverse and inclusive teams.

‘Seize the opportunity when it arises’! That is strong advice to women wanting a career in science from Nutreco’s Ei Lin Ooi, a Technical Director in APAC, speaking in the second of our #womeninscience podcast series.

Ei Lin talks to Robyn Bradley, Nutreco D&I Manager about learning to overcome cultural challenges and developing the confidence to run with new opportunities.

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