Supply Network Planner II

Supply Network Planner II

  • Alverca do Ribatejo
  • Supply Chain
  • Full time
  • Portugal

Supply Network Planner II

Job Description

Principais responsabilidades:

  • Monitorizar e manter níveis adequados de stock, realizando inventários regulares.
  • Receber, inspecionar e registrar produtos e materiais recebidos.
  • Organizar e armazenar itens de maneira sistemática para facilitar o acesso e a contagem.
  • Controlar saídas de materiais e produtos, garantindo que as movimentações sejam registradas corretamente.
  • Colaborar com outros departamentos para prever necessidades de stock e evitar faltas ou excessos.
  • Realizar auditorias periódicas para garantir a precisão dos registros.
  • Gerar relatórios de inventário e identificar áreas para melhorias.
  • Implementar e seguir procedimentos de controle de qualidade e segurança.
  • Informar atempadamente as chefias quando os níveis de stock, as entregas e/ou o serviço ao cliente estão em risco
  • Propor melhorias ao processo de previsão e pô-lo em prática
  • Preparar e monitorizar os indicadores-chave de desempenho (KPI) - exatidão e enviesamento das previsões
  • Participar em vários projetos com o objetivo de melhorar a fiabilidade das previsões e/ou o processo de previsão.
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What happens next?

Successful application

Congratulations! Your application has successfully caught our attention. We are impressed by your skills and experiences, which suggest a great fit for our team. 

We'll be in touch soon with the next steps in the hiring process. Meanwhile, explore our website to learn more about our company culture and current projects. Thank you for considering a career with us!

On interview

You've made it to the interview stage! This is your chance to showcase your skills and learn more about Nutreco. Here are a few tips to prepare:

  • Research: Familiarize yourself with our purpose and recent projects.
  • Review: Understand the key responsibilities of the role.
  • Prepare Questions: Have thoughtful questions ready to demonstrate your interest.

We'll discuss your background and how you can contribute to our team. After the interview, we aim to provide feedback promptly. Best of luck!


Thank you for your interest in joining us! Here’s a quick review of your journey so far:

  • Application: We were impressed by your credentials and potential contributions.
  • Interview: Your understanding of the role and your passion stood out. We are now finalizing our decisions and will contact you soon.

Your patience and enthusiasm are appreciated as we make our final considerations.

Welcome to the team

Welcome aboard! We are thrilled to have you join our team. You’ll be a key player in our exciting projects while bringing your expertise to the fore. 

Onboarding Highlights: 

  • Orientation: Learn about our culture and objectives. 
  • Team Meet: Connect with your colleagues. 
  • Training: Gain the tools to excel in your role. 

We are committed to supporting your growth and development. Your journey with us is just beginning, and we’re excited to see all you will achieve. Welcome to the team!

Still got questions?

Get in touch with:

Sandra Do Espirito Santo

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